Trade Critique

Lecherous Goldenberg Trades Jonathan Sanchez, Adam Wainwright, and Kerry Wood to Cy Hughes for Curtis Granderson.

McJunk’s take: This is the first midseason big name trade of the season. It seems that Lecherous Goldenberg will take a little bit of a hit to his pitching staff as he gives up his best pitcher to date (Wainwright) so he’ll have to hope Lackey is good when he comes off the DL. In my opinion though, Cy Hughes is giving up too much in Granderson to not get back a clear keeper. Wainwright won’t strike out enough guys to be top rung starter and Jonathan Sanchez is risky to say the least. There are days that he can be lights out, like Oliver Perez when his stuff works, and there are days that he could be atrocious, like, well, Oliver Perez is once every 3 starts. Only time will tell, but I would give the nod to Lecherous Goldenberg as getting the better end of this trade.

Lastings Milledge Update


Lastings opened the season in the Nationals-Braves “North American Opening Day 2008” as Joe Morgan dubbed it several times during the broadcast. Lastings batted second and went 0 for 4, with no walks, no RBIs, 1 K and 1 LOB. Currently, his stats project to a .000 BA, .000 OBP, no RBIs, 162 Ks, and 162 men left on base. At least he didn’t misplay a ball in the outfield, almost though. Also, Lastings has been traded since the picture was taken. Terrance Long wrote the first word of the invitation to Lastings to the “Over-Hyped Mets’ Outfield Prospects that were Busts for Other Teams” Club. Anxious to see when he completes it, attaches postage and how long it will take Lastings to accept the gracious membership offer.

Additionally, Lastings Milledge is not the next Willie Mays. Willie Mays is just a precursor to Lastings Milledge.